The Coffee Culture In Different Countries

Think about the last time you enjoyed a cup of coffee. Was it a quick pick-me-up, a solitary moment of peace, or a social gathering with friends? More than just a beverage, coffee is a significant cultural cornerstone that varies wildly from country to country. What I’m going to show you is how these differences … Read more

Coffee And The Enlightenment

Picture this: Europe, 17th and 18th centuries, a time brimming with new ideas and cultural upheaval. For you, that’s the Enlightenment, a period where traditional norms were questioned and knowledge was king. And guess what? They are seeing a surge in a slightly less expected catalyst: coffee. I will give you a rundown of how … Read more

History Of Dutch Coffee Trade In The East

Think about the last time you enjoyed a steamy cup of coffee. Have you ever wondered how coffee became a staple in our daily routines? I will take you back to the 1600s, a pivotal era when the Dutch indulged in this new beverage and set the stage for the global coffee trade. In the … Read more

The Journey Of Coffee Through Middle East To The West

I’m going to take you back to where it all began. Picture this: the lush highlands of ancient Ethiopia, where the coffee cherry first caught the eye of local herders. They noticed its energizing effect on their goats and began experimenting with these curious beans. That’s the legend, at least, and from these humble beginnings, … Read more

What Is The Origin Of Coffee?

I’m going to take you back in time to unravel the enigmatic origins of coffee, a beverage that has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. This isn’t just about a plant; it’s also about the rich cultural tapestry it’s woven over centuries. You might be familiar with the delightful legend surrounding coffee’s discovery, … Read more

About Me

I’m Kamal, and you could say that I have a bit of an obsession with coffee. There’s something truly magnificent about the art of preparing coffee, and I relish both the ritual of making it and the pleasure of sipping that perfect cup. I founded the Coffee Cosy Club not just out of love for … Read more

Welcome to Your “Premium” Website!

Welcome to your Premium Level Website! YES! You’ve done it. Your new website is up and running, and this is the platform from where you’re going to launch and build out your online business venture. Wealthy Affiliate is no ordinary platform. Here, we strive to turn YOU into our next success story. We equip you … Read more